Monday, August 30, 2010

Meal Plan

So I'm making a loose meal plan for each week.  It's a flexible plan.  I pick a bunch of meals and then have the recipes and the shopping prepped.  Then I can pick whatever I feel like making that day.  I'm trying to use leftovers for kids' lunches, so that's working out really well.

Since I'm a dork and can't figure out what to make....I'm going to make a running list to refer back to as my brain freeze kicks in.

Last week, the kids loved Pasta with Alfredo sauce, shrimp and broccoli.  I'm not making that this week, but I'll have to remember how much they loved it.

Pancakes and waffles are always good quick dinner options too!

So this payday we have....
Country Chicken in the Crock with rice/fresh fruit
Spaghetti ala Matt/garlic bread/salad
Zucchini Boats/apples
Veggie Parmesan Bake/salad/cut up red peppers and baby carrots
Baked leftover chicken and rice/mixed veggies or salad
fish and couscous/ edamame (brussell sprouts for Matt who won't eat leguemes)
baked sweet potatoes with garlic brocolli and green beans/apples
quesadillas if I'm lazy/fajitas if I'm not
stir fry
pasta salad (chicken or crab)
and the standbys for when we don't want to cook
popcorn and a movie

I'm in a rut, notice all of the apples and chicken?  hmmmm.

If you have any ideas, leave a comment.  If I use your recipe, I"ll credit you and post it!

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